Building Better Customer Experience

30% savings for B2B SaaS company
Date published:12/26/2023

When a scalable B2B SaaS company needed to aggregate data for essential web optimization, they turned to Remote Reps. The aim was to mine vast quantities of public and proprietary information, so end users could more easily source information beyond search engine functions.


Before working with Remote Reps, the growing e-commerce business was not able to source skilled customer service talent at a reasonable cost. And employee retention was also a major issue. Without the right team in place, this company was struggling with workforce management and growth. There were issues scaling quickly and successfully to meet call volumes.


Remote Reps started with a small core offshore team, to ensure early and sustained success. This team hit the ground running—proving out the value proposition of highly skilled talent at a cost savings. From day one, we provided calls and customer service results across the original ask, with services expanding into customer engagement. Today the team is on the front lines of customer support—providing both data aggregation and inbound customer service. This team is now comprised of staff members who have longer tenure than the in-house team.


We have partnered with this client to do the near-impossible: deliver customer service enhancements at a cost savings. Our results include: We have delivered client cost savings at around 40%.  We provide actionable insights to the client. The client’s CSAT score is at 97%.

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